Need advice about whether to end a friendship!?
Obviously someone has told her to choose other people for these positions after she has asked you.
You seem to be almost too nice a person and someone who is easy to take advantage of.
If you really like your friend you can still remain friends with her but STOP doing all these kind and helpful things for her until she actually seems to appreciate you.
I would say just be more of a casual friend unless she smartens up which doesn%26#039;t look like it will happen anytime soon.
If she questions you about any change in your friendship just tell her how she has disappointed and hurt you too many times with her thoughtless behaviour toward you.
Reply:Sorry to say but I think you%26#039;ve been used and abused in what sounds like a one-way friendship. I wouldn%26#039;t make any big issue of it; I just would not be available in the future. She%26#039;s very aware of what she%26#039;s done to you and since she doesn%26#039;t seem to mind, I wouldn%26#039;t mind not letting it happen again.
Reply:Wow...she sounds rather fickle.
That is a tough call.
I am not sure I would bother with her anymore. You don%26#039;t have to shun her, but just don%26#039;t be available at her convenience.
It sounds as though you are a much truer friend than her. Sorry for your disease
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