I have enclosed a link for the picture, but its hard to see the little details.
There are a total of seven stones, within what looks like to be a flower arrangement, with the biggest of the seven stones at the center of the flower.
The center stone is set in a square shape, with petals surrounding, holding the other 6 slightly smaller stones.
There are leaves going into the band at each side. its a very small ring, fit for a pinky, or maybe a child.
*Please, this ring means everything to me and I would love to know what it means.
JEWELRY EXPERTS!! I am desperate to find out the meaning of my ring??!!?
I don%26#039;t have a myspace account, so it won%26#039;t show me the pic.
Take care of the ring, be careful how you clean it and enjoy!
Reply:it is the kingdom of the tree fairy%26#039;s..............visual arts
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